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Age Verification

Why do we verify your age?

We do not sell our products to anyone under the age of 21. We use a non-affiliated third-party company, Veratad Technologies, LLC, to verify that you are who you say you are and to confirm that you are 21 or older.

How does Veratad’s Age Verification work?

Veratad Age and Identity Verification Solution service uses multiple trusted data sources containing billions of public records to return an age validation based on the personal information you submit. This service is specifically designed to validate and protect your identity while maintaining the highest level of consumer privacy when processing online transactions.

Access to the public records allows Veratad to validate the information you provide and in some cases, depending on the nature of your purchase, to present a series of multiple choice questions based on non-credit related (“out-of-wallet”) historical facts about you. These facts are obtained by instantaneously scanning billions of public records from trusted data sources containing information that generally would not be found in your wallet if lost or stolen.

Is the information I provide secure?

Veratad’s secure 256-bit encryption technology ensures the safe delivery of the information you provide online. In addition, Veratad does not store your sensitive personal information or share (or sell) any data with other third parties. This practice assures you that unauthorized parties cannot gain access to your sensitive personal information.

What happens if I cannot be verified by the Age Verification process?

A small percentage of shoppers may not be verifiable due to limited availability of publicly available information in the age verification databases. If this happens, we will attempt to contact you via phone and email to verify your age. We typically require a copy of your driver’s license or some other form of government issued ID that verifies your date of birth.

I live outside of the U.S., can I be verified?

Our use of Veratad’s Age Verification is based solely on U.S. records and therefore verification of individuals residing outside the U.S. is unavailable, unless you are using a military address outside the U.S. Individuals in all other countries will be subject to our manual review process described in the previous section.

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